We recently reported a summary of findings from the FHA survey of the floating homes community. Now you can see the results of the survey in detail on the FHA website.
FHA Membership co-chairs Lisa McNelley and Jill Sherman created the anonymous survey online via Survey Monkey. Dock reps forwarded links to the survey to their own dock lists and results were tabulated by Survey Monkey. Almost 25% of recipients completed the questionnaire.
The survey contained 23 questions covering topics from community events and activities, possible special interest groups, emergency preparedness, sharing resources, FHA membership, and readership of this newsletter. A few questions regarding household makeup and demographics will provide a baseline to see how our community changes in coming years.
Most of the questions were multiple-choice, and responses to those questions are presented in bar graphs and tables. Other questions were open-ended, asking for opinions and comments. The replies were too numerous to publish on the website, but the entire FHA Board has copies of them to refer to while planning for greater community support. Thanks to everyone who responded!