When we sent out the FHA Survey via email this past month, we wanted to get a sense of what the residents of our floating homes community want and need during these challenging times. Almost 25% of our community completed the survey. For those who responded, thank you! Your input will guide the FHA in the coming months and into next year while we navigate life during this time.
One of the general themes of the responses received was connection—between the smoke, the power outages from the fires, and the general challenge of connecting with others due to the Shelter in Place restrictions during the pandemic, many respondents expressed an interest in safe ways to escape from the chaos and interact with the community. On the top of the list of ideas for ways to accomplish this are a virtual book club, bay/dock clean-up days, and socially distanced activities in the lagoon and nearby parks. We will be looking at ways we can implement these activities.
Many were also interested in the FHA promoting creative endeavors. Art shows, talks, and performances in the Waldo Point Harbor park by our own community’s artists, writers, and performers are just a few of the ideas the FHA is looking into supporting. We will be working with your dock reps to find out who would like to showcase their work or share their talents.
Almost everyone who responded to the survey asked for a dock emergency plan. FHA’s Emergency Preparedness Committee is working on supporting the dock reps in developing these plans. The Committee is also exploring how the FHA can support a bulk purchase of “grab-and-go” bags based on pre-orders. Please keep an eye out for these initiatives.
In addition to the specific request for a dock emergency plan, one of the major findings of the survey was that respondents are looking for more communication around pertinent dock information and relevant community news generally. While many people have subscribed to the weekly email with links to the Floating Times, others have encountered technological barriers to subscribing—to facilitate communication and to keep residents informed about local events and news, the FHA has decided to send the Floating Times to every resident and owner (you will have the option to opt out of receiving future weekly emails with links to new articles in each distribution). A few respondents also offered to contribute content to the Floating Times; given the survey was anonymous, your contact information was not available. We would like to find out who you are—please email Floating Times Editor Larry Clinton to find out how you can contribute!
Thank you again to those of you who responded to the survey, we appreciate your time and feedback! If you missed this opportunity, you can talk with your dock rep about any needs, ideas and questions you have about the FHA and how we can help you and your family.