In our own version of “Which is cuter: puppies or kittens?” I’d have to say that the duckies have it over the goslings, at least on the first day out of the nest. A second clutch of ducklings recently hatched over at South 40. Must be something about that giant bird nesting on the roof, or those delightfully colorful planter boxes, that attracts them. This time Caroline Hall was home to give the ducklings a kindly nudge from above—as mama swam below, quacking encouragement.
This seemed like a good a time as any to haul out the snaps of the goslings, as they were getting the lay of the land (and water) back in April and May. General opinion was that more of the youngsters survived this year. And if I were to take a poll—and we took the ferociously protective parents (Mother Goose and her Gander) out of the equation—the answer to “Which is cuter: ducklings or goslings?” might come out dead even.
South 40’s Caroline Hall Helps Duckies, June 2017 from the Floating Times on Vimeo.
Related post: Brave New World as Ducklings Hatch