Tides of 6 feet or more will cause flooding in the lower portion of Manzanita Park & Ride lot from November 30 through December 7. Parking lot signs have been illuminated. If you need to use the lot during those days, try to arrange for a friend to drop you off and pick you up.
We’ll experience our usual New Year’s king tides beginning Dec. 30 (6.6 feet at 9:00 a.m.), rising to 7 feet or more until Wednesday, Jan. 3 (6.9 feet at noon). With a full moon at the end of the month, we can anticipate tides of 6.6 feet at 8:30 a.m. on December 28, rising again to 7 feet on the 30th and 31st, then dropping off slightly on February 1 and 2. Tides peak approximately 50 minutes later each day. For more detailed information, check the interactive tide chart feature of the Floating Times. You can click and drag a circle to any point on the chart to get specific tide projections.
Avoid parking along the water’s edge for at least an hour before and after these high tides. Flooding may be more extreme if raining, during a low-pressure front, or in windy conditions.
Warn your visitors and workers!