Coastal Clean Up Day: Volunteer!

Want to make a difference to the beauty of Richardson Bay? For a second year, the FHA Environmental Committee is hosting a Coastal Cleanup team to take care of our waterfront, from West Pier to Commodore. Join us Saturday, Sept. 15, from 9 to 11 a.m. to pick up waste along...

We’re Where It’s At

Last week the Marin Independent Journal reported on a recent study that determined: “Amid accelerating sea level rise from climate change, Marin County has the highest number of households in California vulnerable to coastal flooding.” Main Dock’s Rusty Hendley passed along the above editorial cartoon, which ran in the same issue...

Underneath the Docks of the Bay

Sausalito resident Michael Konrad retired from a career as a biochemist and molecular biologist to focus on the marine life along the Richardson Bay shore. His book, Life on the Dock, describes the animals and plants that grow on the edges of the floating docks that make up our boat...

Turning Sea Level Rise Ideas into Reality is Last Challenge

In a former Alameda airplane hangar-turned-winery, people gathered to celebrate the culmination of a year-long effort to generate innovative ideas to prepare for sea level rise. The Resilient by Design teams—including two focused on San Rafael and Marin City—received praise for their efforts. Large posters, displayed against the stacked wine barrels, showcased...

Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention

The California State Parks’ Division of Boating and Waterways, California Coastal Commission’s Boating Clean & Green Program, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are offering a FREE Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention Workshop in Sausalito on June 13. AIS pose serious threats to...