Board Meeting Notes – June 2021

Placards on Adirondack chairs will memorialize past neighbors  |  photo and post by Larry Clinton


There weren’t enough attendees to constitute a quorum on June 15, so discussions were held on two topics, with votes deferred until the July meeting.

  • Larry Clinton reported that although we only sold 157 tickets to the virtual gala & tour, we grossed over $43,000 thanks to donations, sponsorships, and auction bids. That’s about the same as the gross proceeds for the 2019 live tour.
  • Sen. Mike McGuire did a fantastic job conducting a Fund-A-Need drive and a live auction. The silent and live auctions each brought in about $10,000. Two Fund-a-Need topics were identified. The first was to purchase Adirondack chairs with placards to honor neighbors from the community who have passed. The other need was to encourage marinas to install more electric charging stations. Total collected was $4,680, and the board will discuss how to allocate this money at the July meeting. Gala co-producer Julie Durbin will coordinate the chair project. Environmental chair Doug Young will be able to use some of the funds if needed to develop more charging stations. Further details on both projects will be reported in the Floating Times.
  • The board will also decide how much to donate to the Friends of the Marin City Library, Performing Stars of Marin and Muscular Dystrophy of Bay Area.
  • There will be a link to the virtual gala & tour on the FHA website. Ticket buyers who couldn’t log on will be sent the link. Others can access the link through the website. We are asking for a $10 honor system donation. We expect our net for the virtual gala & tour to be over $20,000.  The Gala Committee will hold a planning session to critique the event. The board congratulated Larry and Julie for an extraordinary job well done.
  • Michael van Walt (South 40) reported that the working group studying berth leases wants to know whose leases are up for renewal so they can talk to the residents about their options. Some Waldo Point Harbor residents are being presented with renewal leases adjusted to market value without understanding how that value was determined.
  • Peter Hudson’s wife who is an attorney will help with reviewing leases. Michael will present a summary of findings at the July meeting so the Board can consider further options.
  • At the next meeting Michael would like to discuss fractional ownerships by a startup named Pacaso.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 7:00 P.M.