Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the July 12 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times.
- This was a hybrid meeting, with some attendees gathering at Saylor’s Restaurant while others joined via Zoom. Future meetings will continue in this fashion.
- FHA VP Pete Hudson will determine how many shopping carts are needed for each dock and research prices.
- The search continues for a Webmaster. The Board will consider hiring a paid consultant until a volunteer webmaster can be recruited. If you know of a qualified Webmaster, contact Pete Hudson.
- FHA President Michael Labate will write a letter to all the marinas advising of hazards caused by poor maintenance and requesting appropriate repairs.
- Private tour co-chairs Mari Steeno and Kelly English have scheduled tours for October 13 and November 4. They are seeking homes for each tour and also seeking volunteer assistance with marketing future tours to destination management companies.
- Emergency Preparedness chair Flo Hoylman reported that the Southern Marin Fire Department held training on dock fire hoses at West Pier, Issaquah and Commodore. A fire extinguisher drill was scheduled for Sunday July 24.
- Flo has a free supply of Covid tests for anyone who needs them. Monica Morant (Commodore) reported that more free tests are available through the USPS, 8 tests per order. Because they have expiration dates, she suggested using any on hand before ordering more.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 9