Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the July 13 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times.
- Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the virtual gala was successful enough to fund FHA operations through next year, and probably through 2023 as well.
- Larry Clinton reported that the Fund-A-Need campaign that was part of the gala raised $4,191.00. The board ratified a decision made by gala co-producers Julie Durbin and Larry to earmark this amount for the purchase of Adirondack chairs with placards honoring deceased floating homes neighbors. Julie will coordinate that program. Any funds left over will be available to the Environmental Committee, as needed.
- Melissa Pergerson spoke about a need for swim ladders for Van Damme dock, which has no railings and is high enough that people who have fallen in the bay have been unable to get out by themselves. Some possible solutions were discussed. FHA VP Pete Hudson offered to check out safety issues with the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) and with the WPH harbormaster. This will be discussed further at the August board meeting.
- Larry reported that net income from this year’s Virtual Gala and Tour was $2,000 higher than our 2019 Open Homes tour and $5,000 higher than the 2017 tour. It was agreed to donate a total of $4,000 from the net proceeds to Friends of the Marin City Library, Performing Stars of Marin and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of the Bay Area.
- The Lease Study Group of Michael van Walt, Joe Novitski, Neil Weinstein, and Douglas Young submitted a report on their study of past and current Waldo Point and Kappas Marina leases. The report pointed out some discrepancies and other issues that will be investigated further. Each dock rep has a copy of the full report.
- The board agreed to reinstate reimbursements for dock activities and CERT trainings, which had been suspended for the year.
- The board agreed to discuss the possibility of a fall Day in the Park and a February Annual Meeting and party at the Bay Model at the August Board Meeting. President Michael Labate will contact the Bay Model to set a tentative February date.
- Julie Durbin has volunteered to take on sponsorships for the Floating Times and the FHA website. The ad sizes and rates were approved as presented. All ads will be on a 12–month contract.
- Emergency Preparedness chair Flo Hoylman talked about creating a Zoom program for the FHA and Sausalito Village on how to deal with smoke issues. Flo will get evacuation tags for dock residents to display if they have to evacuate in an emergency. That way, first responders won’t waste time searching for survivors in an empty home.
- Jim Rettew (Liberty Dock) was thanked for his ongoing work on the new website.
- Public Relations co-chair Arleen Ma spoke about the media inquiries she and Scott Collins have received. Arleen and Scott were thanked for their work on the virtual gala.
- There was a discussion about whether future meetings should be in person or via Zoom, especially since the meeting room of the Marin City public safety building is no longer available. It was agreed to continue on Zoom for now.
- Peter Hudson offered to discuss maintenance issues with Waldo Point, including security cameras as well as lights on the docks and in parking lots.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 7:00 p.m. via Zoom