Flo Hoylman discusses July 27 Evacuation Drill at FHA Board meeting | photo and post by Larry Clinton
Board members recently received spam emails asking recipients to purchase $700 in gift cards. One board member responded and bought the cards but was able to stop payment through her credit card carrier. No one should respond to these emails in the future without first confirming it with President Michael Labate.
Updated FHA membership packets are posted on the website. Dock reps were urged to print these out and give them to new residents on their docks, along with the benefits page.
Meetings are continuing with the firstResilient Neighborhoods group. They are going beyond the goals for reducing their carbon imprint. A new group will be formed in October. There are five sessions with homework and assignments between sessions. Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman encouraged everyone to contact Marin Clean Energy and become “deep green” (using 100% renewable energy). PG&E also has a green option.
The FHA will sponsor another free Fun Day for the entire community in Waldo Point Harbor Park on October 20. Organizer Jen Gennari needs volunteers to organize music, activities and food. One person from each dock needs to be present at the event. There may be some instructional tables, as well. In the morning, fire extinguishers may be recharged or replaced, and electronic waste will be collected.
The Executive Committee is actively seeking a volunteer to serve as Membership Chair. If you’re interested, contact President Michael Labate.
On July 27, there will be an Evacuation Drill sponsored by PG&E for floating homes and northern Sausalito. Everyone will be asked to check in at the basketball courts at MLK Park between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. It’s a way to get people thinking about an open-air place we can go in the event of fire. CERTS will hang flyers on residents’ doors to let them know about it. There will be an FHA email about this, too.
We need to get prepared for the possibility of PG&E turning off our power to prevent fires. Flo handed out reports from the Outage Committeemeetings. Flo is organizing a communication coordinating committee with at least one person, preferably more, from each dock. When we receive notice of an outage, the committee would come together with radios to keep everyone informed. We must be prepared to be without power for up to five days. She asked the dock reps to sign up and/or to recruit people from their docks to be on the committee. Each dock should hold a meeting about this in the next few weeks. We also need to speak with the harbors about what they will be doing about eliminating waste which may accumulate in the pipes under our docks. Everyone should sign up with PG&Eto get alerts.
Jen Gennari and Larry Clinton are now able to make routine changes to the FHA website. This will save money and hopefully keep the website current.
A Coastal Cleanup Day will be held on Saturday, September 21. Jen handed out fliers to be put on the dock bulletin boards.
The 9/14 Tour will based on Kappas Green again this year. News of the change from WPH Park will be emailed to all ticket purchasers and volunteers. We will be sending out a second news release in July to local media. More volunteers are still needed. Barbara Rycerski will send promotional Tour flyers to the Board.