Everything in its place | photo by Flo Hoylman | post by Larry Clinton
Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the January 11 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times
Tracy Corbin of East Pier will serve as the FHA bookkeeper until a volunteer treasurer can be found.
The board will host a reception/meeting of dock reps and alternates at the Bay Model on the morning of January 29. Over coffee and pastries, the dock reps will socialize with FHA officers and committee chairs and talk about each others’ roles and responsibilities. Vaccinations, masks, and social distancing will be required.
Due to Covid limitations, the FHA annual meeting will be held via Zoom, date and time TBD. The FHA has increased its capacity for Zoom participants, so everyone is invited to attend. A Zoom link will be sent out in advance of the meeting. Check back for more specifics as they are firmed up.
Dock Bike Lockers: Issaquah dock rep John Ryan is pursuing the concept of installing bike lockers so bicycles won’t have to be kept on the docks with no protection from weather.
Floating Times Editor Larry Clinton solicited dock news and photos from all the marinas. Guidelines for submitting a story are posted in the Floating Times.
Emergency Preparedness Chair Flo Hoylman thanked Peter Hudson’s son Mac for organizing tools and equipment in the FHA Disaster Response trailer to make everything more accessible.
Flo also announced that she has a limited supply of free rapid COVID-19 test kits. While they last, she will deliver them to individuals in urgent need of testing.
Government Relations Chair Teddie Hathaway announced that the city council of Sausalito is considering converting the Bank of America building downtown into an art gallery/store.
Environmental Chair Doug Young is looking for an outside consultant to put together a feasibility study for more electric vehicle charging stations that could include bike lockers. He has a modest budget from the Fund-A-Need campaign from last June’s virtual gala.
Carole Angermeir (East Pier) is in touch with a group that wishes to schedule a private tour in May. The FHA needs to set up some ground rules for how these tours would operate and how they might be cancelled if pandemic restrictions continue.