Board Meeting Notes — Apr 2023

Reflecting on the FHA | photo by Melanie Rovens | post by Larry Clinton

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the April 11 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times.

  • President Pete Hudson set increasing FHA membership as the most important goal for 2023. Dock reps have been updating dock rosters to help remind past members to renew their memberships.
  • Pete is working on a Houseboat Living Fair in the fall, featuring experts on subjects such as home repairs, water safety, emergency preparedness, and care of holding tanks and pumps. Other Bay Area floating home communities would be invited, and sponsors will be solicited to offset costs. Volunteers will be needed.
  • Flyers for the June 4 Day in the Park have gone up on dock bulletin boards. New features this year will include a bake sale and silent auction.
  • Volunteers have been meeting with local representatives to express concerns about proposed changes to AB252. You can express your opinion by emailing these officials directly.
  • The Private Tours Committee is exploring marketing opportunities for tours of up to 40 individuals and still seeks volunteers. Without an Open Homes Tour this year, Private Tours will be the major funding source for FHA functions and services.
  • Kimberly Wright (Yellow Ferry Harbor) and Candice Gold (Issaquah) have drafted a petition asking the County to amend the notification and permitting requirements currently in place for newly proposed Floating Homes being brought into floating homes harbors.
  • Emergency Services Chair Flo Hoylman plans to organize Neighborhood Response Groups (NRGs) on each dock to assist neighbors helping neighbors in disasters when first responders might be otherwise occupied.

 Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 7:00 p.m.