Back to the 40s for FHA Tour      

Twin Rosie the Riveters: Brittany (l.) and Devon Pettengill
Striped blazer set a colorful tone
Sandy Harford (r.) dressed up to register volunteers along with Bill and Felicity Hirsch
Ona Schissel wore a vintage dress ...
... as did Radio Sausalito personality Dizzy Jones
Lindy in the Park Dancers kept things lively on Yellow Ferry Harbor
Vintage vehicles included two Buicks from the 30s ...
... and a Cadillac convertible from the 40s  |  photos by Cynthia Greenberg  |  post by Larry Clinton

Lots of folks joined in the theme of our September 30 Tour, “Homefront on the Waterfront,” by coming in vintage outfits, or dressing like workers at Marinship 75 years ago.  Attendees, volunteers, Lindy dancers, and vintage vehicle owners all added to the spirit of a beautiful day.

Lindy Dancers—2017 Tour | Larry Clinton from the Floating Times on Vimeo.

related story: Volunteers Make Tour a Success