Board Meeting Notes – Sept 2020

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED OR DECIDED AT THE SEPTEMBER 8 BOARD MEETING: Floating Times editor Larry Clinton introduced Aditi Iyer, who is the new proofreader for this publication. Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the FHA’s liability insurance, including directors’ and officers’ liability, will cover any...

FHA Survey Launched

Membership Chairs Lisa McNelley and Jill Sherman have created a survey of floating home owners and residents that will help the Floating Homes Association to better understand residents’ needs and concerns, thus shaping future FHA activities.  The survey is being conducted anonymously through the website Survey Monkey. Dock reps are...

Lia Reaches Hawaii – in Record Time!

Lia Ditton, who lived on East Pier a few years ago, has set a world record for a woman rowing solo from San Francisco to Honolulu; she covered the distance in 86 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes and 56 seconds. The previous women’s record had been 99 days. As the...

Preventing Wildfires in Marin

Wildfires are bigger, burn longer, cause more damage, and kill more people than ever before. Marin is as susceptible as Sonoma County or other areas that have suffered large destructive fires. That’s the bad news. The good news is that a new Joint Powers Authority has been formed to undertake...

Music Continues in WPH Lagoon

In the accompanying photo, Victoria Colella and Michele Affronte kick back while listening to music off the deck of Wolf Island at the end of Main Dock. Next up: Joe Tate and the Hippie Voices at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 4. If you plan to attend, please remember all...

Free Parking in Sausalito – Coming Soon

After four decades of lobbying, the Sausalito City Council has agreed to extend eligibility requirements of the Sausalito Resident Parking Program to Include unincorporated residents of ZIP Code 94965. That means that floating home residents will soon be able to take advantage of up to three hours of free parking...