County Seeks Input on Sea Level Rise

The following is excerpted from the Marin County Sea Level Rise Adaptation Newsletter: With more than 70 miles of coast and 40 miles of Bay Shore, Marin County is one of the communities most affected by sea level rise in the Bay Area. Rising sea levels will affect many parts...

Need a Plumber? Check our Website

Reminder: On the Floating Homes Association website, FHA members can find a list of service providers with experience working on floating homes. Services range from licensed contractors to handypersons. Please note that the listed service providers have not been vetted; their names were put forth by someone living on the docks....

Thoughts While Floating

Today’s thought comes from golfing great Arnold Palmer: The more I practice, the luckier I get. If you have a thought you’d like to share, send it to Larry Clinton.

Shoreline Adaptation Workshop Jan 25

The second community meeting for the Sausalito Shoreline Adaptation Plan will be held from 10:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday, January 25 at the Bay Model. Catie Thow Garcia, the city’s Resiliency & Sustainability Manager, will summarize some of the thoughts heard in the first community-wide meeting. The focus of...

There’s an App for That

Richard Pavek of Yellow Ferry Harbor sends along some phone applications he recommends for his floating home neighbors: Wunderground Ever wish you had a personal weather station? Wunderground has connections with over a thousand personal weather stations across the country and makes them available to their subscribers. When installing, allow...

The Politics of Water

Michael Konrad of South Forty has reviewed a new book with relevance to our community: The Politics of Urban Water: Changing Waterscapes in Amsterdam by Kimberley Kinder. The author points out that that in Europe, taxes are high, but you get more benefits. It’s old and small, land is valued,...

Thoughts While Floating

Here’s a thought shared by my wife Jane and me: Me: I see some oysters are being recalled. Jane: I didn’t even know they’d been elected to anything! If you have a thought you’d like to share, send it to Larry Clinton.

Update on Floating Homes Rent Control

The FHA’s Legislative Action Committee has issued an update regarding a possible agreement with the four harbor owners on how to amend the Floating Homes Residency Law which could affect your future berth rents and fees. Current Status The LAC has held productive meetings with all four Marin marinas (Waldo...

New FHA Board of Directors for 2025-2026

The Sausalito Floating Homes Association is excited to welcome its new executive members of the Board of Directors for the two-year term starting on January 1, 2025.  The FHA bids farewell to Pete Hudson (President), Liz Brott (Vice President) and Candice Gold (Secretary) and welcomes Peter Miller (President) Alex Shoer...