Holiday Tugboat Caroling – You’re Invited

YOU’RE INVITED!  What?      Holiday Tugboat Caroling Where?    Upon the Waters of Our Floating Neighborhood* When?      Monday Dec 11  (Weather Permitting) and/or Wednesday Dec 13   (Weather Permitting)  Time?       Between 5:30 and 9:30 p.m.—Locations depend on tide and access to floating homes How?        You come to the Window or...

RBRA Back in Business

The November 9 meeting of the Richardson Bay Regional Agency (RBRA) took place in Mill Valley City Council Chambers. Prior to the City of Sausalito’s withdrawal from the agency most RBRA meetings took place at the Sausalito City Chambers. Meeting locations will now rotate among the remaining members: Tiburon, Belvedere, Mill...