Ian Moody’s corporation, Aquamaison, is due to close at the end of this month. Ian ran his concrete barge-building company as a sole proprietor until he passed away in May from complications following a stroke. Ian’s widow Janeane is struggling to complete the few projects he left unfinished, but does not plan to keep Aquamaison in business after they are completed.
To complicate things further, right after Ian’s death, Janeane received a letter from her landlord, Joe Lemon, informing her that Ian’s lease on the property off Gate 3 Road expired with his passing, and demanding that she vacate the property.
Janeane has been looking for investors to take over the business, but with no lease, she hasn’t been able to drum up much interest.
These developments leave the floating homes community without a source of new concrete barges. FHA President Michael Labate would like to gather folks from within the community and beyond to brainstorm ideas for an alternative solution that would allow for future construction of suitable barges for our homes. If you or someone you know would like to participate in a brainstorming session, please contact the editor.
Meanwhile existing barges are still being repaired by Morgan Construction and American Oceanics.