At the recent April 14 meeting of the Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency (RBRA), the discussion among the board members centered around the budget for 2016-2017.
The RBRA staff asked for an additional $191,000 for this year to cover (1) increased legal and insurance costs, and (2) boat abatement. The removal of the very large steel former-military boat (pictured here) decimated their budget for boat abatement; the grant they had received for that purpose is used up.
Representing Sausalito, RBRA board member Herb Weiner said Sausalito is not prepared to vote on the budget or any increase, primarily because Sausalito believes the proportionate division of contributions to the RBRA expenses needs to be changed. Other than the County of Marin, the city of Sausalito contributes the largest share at 32%. Weiner stated that over the years Sausalito has contributed over $600,000 to the RBRA. There were 200 boats in the bay back in 198
5 when this all began (the year the RBRA and the proportionate contribution amounts were established), and now there are 250. Weiner failed to mention, though, that in the ensuing years the RBRA has removed over 700 boats.

Sausalito believes that the answer to the situation is enforcement of existing laws and they intend to do that in their (Sausalito) waters, although when they are going to start was not specifi
What this will mean for the future of the RBRA, and whether boats will hopscotch from one jurisdiction to another as a likely result of Sausalito’s decision, is unclear.