Tides of 6.6’ or higher are expected through the rest of this week. Rain is also predicted for Tuesday and Saturday, which may swell the tides to even greater heights.
If a high tide coincides with a significant storm, a tidal surge can occur, causing higher than predicted water levels. This week, we can expect tide levels that could be high enough to cause roadway flooding in parts of Marin, primarily coastal areas.
The below list shows predicted high tides at or above 6.6 feet (rounded up to the nearest tenth) expected in January 2024 at the NOAA San Francisco tide gauge:
- Tues. Jan 9, 08:55 AM, 6.6 feet (possible rain)
- Wed. Jan 10, 09:42 AM, 6.8 feet
- Thurs. Jan 11, 10:30 AM, 6.9 feet
- Fri. Jan 12, 11:19 AM, 6.9 feet
- Sat. Jan 13, 12:10 PM, 6.6 feet (possible rain)
If possible, remember to move vehicles out of commonly flooding areas such as the parking lots along Gate 6 1/2 road, and avoid traveling down Gate 5 road between Coloma and Harbor Drive during the high tides!