Another look at Anodes

In last week’s report on sacrificial anodes, Lynn Lohr mentioned a study that had been commissioned by then-FHA President Stan Barbarich which verified zinc anodes’ ability to fight hull corrosion. Now Stan sends along an addendum about an alternative: aluminum anodes. He points to one of the findings in the...

Tour Leads to First Place Science Project

Last October the FHA was contacted by the father of a teenager at Centerville Middle School in Fremont who was on a team of kids entering an international contest to design a city of the future. Each year the competition involves a specific element of urban planning and this year’s...

Sausalito Holds Second Shoreline Adaptation Community Meeting

The City of Sausalito held its Community Workshop #2 for the Shoreline Adaptation Plan on Saturday, January 25th at the Bay Model. The capacity crowd of interested Sausalito community members heard from city staff and representatives from its consultant team, WRT. Marin County Supervisor Stephanie Moulton-Peters and Sausalito Mayor Joan...

Zinc or Swim

We love our floating home lifestyle, but we often find ourselves concerned with subjects the landlocked know nothing about, like freeboard, macerator pumps, and the health of the hulls on which we float. West Pier neighbor Court Mast and I talked at length about hulls as we recently spent time...

Board Meeting Notes—Jan 05

HERE ARE SOME OF THE ITEMS THAT WERE DISCUSSED AT THE JAN 14 FHA BOARD MEETING. MORE DETAILS WILL BE REPORTED LATER IN THE FLOATING TIMES. Peter Miller (Main Dock) was elected President of the FHA Board. Other officers elected were Alex Shoer, Vice President and Karen Tischler, Secretary. Linda...

 Progress in Amending Floating Homes Residency Law

While discussions continue between the Legislative Action Committee (LAC) and the Sausalito floating home marinas over an amendment to the Floating Homes Residency Law, Assemblymember Damon Connolly is planning to introduce a spot bill as a placeholder for potential legislation modifying AB 252 provisions. This placeholder indicates intent to address...

Correction: Sea Level Rise

Last week we quoted a projection from the Marin Independent Journal that sea levels would rise “more than 6 feet by 2100,” according to the California Ocean Protection Council. Soon after our post appeared, the IJ issued a correction, changing the projection to one foot of sea level rise over...

Climate Change Strikes on Two Fronts

Two articles in the Sunday Marin IJ starkly detail the effects of climate change on our local environment. Writing about the Bay Conservation and Development Commission’s newly adopted regional shoreline adaptation plan, IJ reporter Adrian Rodriguez states that water levels are expected to rise “more than 6 feet by 2100...

Anchor-Out Population Continues to Dwindle

The Richardson Bay Regional Agency (RBRA) continues to make progress toward reducing the number of anchor-out vessels from the waters off Sausalito. In September, the agency removed the last illegal floating home off Waldo Point, a condition of its agreement with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC). ...