3rd Annual e-Waste Collection – Sat Oct 13

Larry Clinton (Gate 6 1/2) recycled a bagful of small electronic items during the first e-waste recycling collection, October 2016 | photo and post by Jenny Stein

It’s time to gather any old electronics you’ve been meaning to get rid of and recycle them. Tossing these items in the trash contributes to our volume of landfill with the added injury of leaching heavy metals into the soil. The FHA environmental committee makes it easy: bring your e-waste Saturday October 13, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. to the WPH parking lot (where Gate 6 Road meets Bridgeway). Same time and place as the FireMaster Extinguisher Recharge Event. Though you are advised to remove confidential information from your devices (phones, laptops, etc) know that your items will be kept in a locked cage (during collection) and are guaranteed to be destroyed (once at the recyclers).