Fresno Bee columnist Marek Warszawski recently spent some time on a floating home visiting his sister, and recorded his impressions of our part of the world. “Sometimes,” he wrote, “it takes a week in Marin County, specifically on a houseboat with an unobstructed view of Mount Tamalpais (Tam in casual conversation), to make a guy appreciate Fresno.
“Still,” he added, “I have to admit that after 25 years of living in Fresno and Clovis, even a taste of Marin County houseboat life made me feel like”—wait for it—”a fish out of water.”
Warszawski was particularly struck by the lack of ethnic diversity in Marin County and “displays of wealth” such as kids on high-end e-bikes zipping past him on the multi-use path. His column ends with him comfortably back in Fresno, watching his familiar city council on TV. His conclusion? “Fresno and Marin County are so different that comparisons between the two are pointless. But spending time in one made me appreciate the other in ways that were fairly pointed.”
In the immortal words of Dorothy Gale, “There’s no place like home!”