A packed house jammed the basement of the Pines mansion on February 25 for the annual meeting and membership party of the Floating Homes Association. Incoming FHA President Pete Hudson kicked off the evening by noting that this was the first in–person FHA meeting in three years. He then introduced the newly elected officers who will serve alongside him for a two–year term: Vice President Liz Brott (W. Pier), Secretary Candice Gold (Issaquah Dock), and Treasurer Linda Futrell (Gate 6 ½), who is moving from Secretary to Treasurer to replace Tracy Corbin. Pete thanked outgoing President Michael Labate and Tracy for their dedicated service to the community.
Tracy reported that the FHA ended 2022 with over $50,000 cash on hand, down $19,650 from year end 2021. Unbudgeted expenses include the fall Day in the Park and legal fees associated with the passage of the rent stabilization law for floating home marinas. Income from small group tours, sponsorships and donations all exceeded budget projections. A complete year–end financial report appears at the end of this post.
I was pleased to report that, in addition to helping pass a landmark rent stabilization law, the FHA hosted two free Days in the Park for the entire community, worked with Waldo Point Harbor management to add a third EV charging station, and resumed private small group tours, which are expected to be the major fundraising mechanism for the FHA. Next Pete introduced the new FHA webmaster, named Stanton, and said she was looking forward to helping rejuvenate the FHA website and Floating Times.
Pete also recognized Carole Angermeir of East Pier as FHA member of the year; Carole commented, “If I knew this was going to happen, I would have dressed up!”
Anna Shimko (Main Dock) and Joe Novitski (E. Pier) provided an overview of the passage of AB252, which extends rent stabilization for floating home marinas in Alameda, Contra Costa and Marin counties. The FHA will present a town hall meeting for the entire community to discuss the implications of the law in greater detail. It will be announced in the Floating Times.
Felecia Gaston, founder of the Performing Stars of Marin, gave an illustrated talk about the history of Marin City, emphasizing similarities between her community and ours. In particular she singled out Pam Bousquet of Issaquah Dock, who passed away in 2021, for her many contributions to Marin City. Felecia will soon bring out a new Marin City commemorative history book, which will be featured in the Floating Times.
The entire meeting was videotaped, and a link to the video will appear on the FHA website and in the Floating Times.
The meeting concluded with Mari Steeno and Michele Affronte drawing names for door prizes, including:
- Restoration Hardware gift certificate (courtesy of Michele Affronte)
- 2 window cleanings (courtesy of Steve Sekhon, Issaquah Dock)
- $300 cash (courtesy of Rachel Dorris, Issaquah Dock)
- Glass art piece (courtesy of Teddie Hathaway, E. Pier)
- Massage by Ali Johnston (courtesy of Ali herself, Issaquah Dock)
- One copy of Grandmothers Feed Us Love cookbook (courtesy of Felecia Gaston)
- Dinner for 4 at private home (courtesy of Olivia Pelligra, Liberty Dock)
- 2 tickets to San Francisco’s Marrakech Magic Theater (courtesy of Jay Alexander, W. Pier)
- Katya jewelry
- 1 night stay at Cavallo Point
- Gift certificates from Poggio and the Trident
- Gift certificates to Le Garage and Buckeye Roadhouse (courtesy of Samantha Fazio, Hawser Marine Insurance)
After the meeting everyone adjourned upstairs to enjoy delicious and artfully prepared finger foods from Portside Catering and fine wines curated by FHA wine steward Ted Bravos (E. Pier), while mingling with old and new friends and touring the lovingly restored Queen Anne Victorian.
At the end of the evening, our generous hosts, Gil and Roxanne Sheridan, suggested, “Let’s make it an annual event.”