Eelgrass Has its Enforcers

Last week Michael Konrad of South 40 Pier provided a primer on eel grass, a key component of the ecology of Richardson’s Bay. This week he examines threats to eel grass and what is being done about them. The damage that anchored boats can inflict on eelgrass is often mentioned...

Eelgrass, a whale of a plant

Biochemist and marine biologist Michael Konrad of South 40 Pier sends along the following natural history of one of our most important neighbors, eelgrass: Life began in the ocean. Then continents generated by tectonic plate movements gradually became hospitable to life, and some living organisms migrated onto this new dry...

Small animal neighbors on our docks

Living on the water means having animal neighbors that land residents infrequently see. The terns, gulls, egrets, herons, pelicans, and cormorants are familiar to us all, and if you live near deeper water, you may see seals. Schools of small fish swim in both shallow and deep water around our...

Shakespeare on the Water Sept 9 & 10

Following up on the popularity of float-in concerts, Shakespeare on the Water will present two floating performances of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on September 9 and 10. The show will feature a multi-generational cast, including students and classically trained actors.  This abridged version of Shakespeare’s beloved comedy includes live music...

Remembering Sailing Legend Hank Easom

Spaulding Marine Center will host a remembrance of local sailing hero Hank Easom from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 25. Filmmaker Oleg Harencar will share memories of the legendary Bay sailor before showing his film Hank Easom: Portrait of a Legend. Spaulding Marine Center is located at...

Houseboat Living in Earthquake Country

Last week’s early morning (3:39 a.m.) earthquake, which roused some floating home residents from a deep sleep, is a reminder that we are definitely on Terra Non Firma. The December 17 temblor was centered in El Cerrito—only 10 miles away—and was measured at a magnitude 3.6. The tide was about...

El Niños, Tsunamis and Earthquakes

This is the fifth and final installment of a research paper on the microclimates of Richardson Bay by Yellow Ferry resident Richard Pavek. An El Niño is part of the normal weather pattern that occurs when surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean rise to above-normal levels for an extended...

Holiday Gift Ideas

Looking for holiday gifts that reflect our lifestyle? Check out the Boatload of Books section of this newsletter. You’ll find notices of publications by current and former residents as well as select books about our floating homes. Categories include fiction, non-fiction, history, memoirs, poetry and children’s books, so you’re sure to find...