East Pier Dock Rep Carole Angermeir has updated the Service Providers list which is available to FHA members on the Association’s website.
The list includes providers with experience working on floating homes, including contractors, handymen, painters, electricians, plumbers, roofers, line tying, hull repair, hull inspection, house cleaners, upholsterers, refrigerator repairs, shower doors, window repair, window washing, canvas boat covers, awnings, floors, real estate agents, floating home lenders, insurance agents, gardeners, hauling and moving, and locksmiths. Carole has recently added caregivers and a physical therapist to the list.
This is another member service from the Floating Homes Association. FHA members can find the list by signing on to the site, then clicking on Resources and then Resources and Links, and finally on the link shown above.
If you would like to join the FHA, click on the Membership link on the home page and follow the prompts. If you have problems, contact the FHA for help.
Note: The Floating Homes Association, the FHA Board or individual dock representatives are not responsible for the work or actions of any of the individuals or companies on the service providers list. It is advisable to check references, professional accreditations and insurance coverage before engaging any person or firm.