The Tour Committee needs your help to minimize the impact of tour traffic this Saturday. They request that residents do not park in 12 parking spaces along Gate 6 Road on Friday, September 29 and Saturday the 30th. As shown in the accompanying photo, setting aside 8 spaces on the south side and 4 on the north side will create a U-Turn Area for the day of the Tour.
This U-Turn Area is needed to keep the hundreds of Tour attendees’ vehicles from filling up the parking lots of Issaquah, A Dock, Yellow Ferry, and East and West Piers. Tour-attendees’ vehicles will be U-turned and redirected to the Tour Parking Area at WestAmerica Bank on Harbor Drive, near Bridgeway. Last year, this U-Turn area was incredibly successful in keeping our parking lots free from Tour traffic!
A few Tour volunteer positions are still open. Volunteers work a three-hour shift, and can take the tour for free. There’s also a volunteer appreciation party immediately after the Tour. Everyone is welcome, so let your friends and family know about this unique opportunity. View the various job descriptions and sign up here. The sooner you sign up, the better your chance of getting the job and time slot you prefer. If you need help signing up, contact Volunteer Coordinator Kay Horne.
Proceeds from the tour support services such as discounted emergency backpacks, free smoke alarms and our annual meeting and membership party. Be sure your friends know about this unique event, described on the FHA website.