In March, we reported on plans to decrease flooding in and around Marin City which seemed to overlook erosion under Gate 6 ½ homes caused by the outflow from a detention pond between the Gateway Center and Highway 101. Since that time, residents have met with officials of the county and Caltrans, who will be working together on this project.
Judd Goodman from the County’s Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Mark Morancy, senior transportation engineer for Caltrans, each visited the dock during minus tides and saw firsthand how a tidal creek from the outflow culvert has dug a meandering pattern of ditches that undermine a number of Gate 6 ½ homes. They also saw a video from the Floating Times, taken by dock resident Felicity Gordon, of the tidal creek raging through our community.
Both organizations are studying a variety of approaches to limit stormwater damage and flooding in Marin City and the western lanes of 101. A couple of alternatives would actually increase the outflow at Gate 6 ½ or redirect it into the heart of the Waldo Point Lagoon.
A separate scenario, known as the Phillips Drive Outflow, would divert some or all of the outflow further north in Richardson Bay, as shown by the green line in the accompanying illustration. According to Goodman and Morancy, that seems to be the best received alternative so far, but nothing is firm at this point.
Draft design for the project will likely be completed around the end of 2024, with reviews by CEQA and NEPA in 2025. Construction could occur as early as 2026, depending on environmental review needs.
Meanwhile, there’s still time for public input at the flood district’s website, or at an upcoming public meeting. The next one is slated for July 9 in Marin City. Details will be announced on the website or by email for those who subscribe to County updates.