My name is Heather and I live on Liberty Dock. I was recently recruited to be Director of FHA’s Private Tours Committee. These tours help the FHA raise funds to support work we do for our community. Before accepting the position, I inquired about FHA expenditures. I was impressed with what the FHA Board has done—from hosting dock events for all of us to enjoy to donating to the wider Sausalito community.
I have created and am recruiting for a new position on our committee. The Resident Guide Coordinator will be in charge of organizing 1-4 dock volunteers to help with each tour. We have a roster of resident guides, and together could recruit some more. The coordinator role would entail ~3 hours per month (FHA Board meetings not required). We’re all volunteers who are enthusiastic about contributing to this dock family we are so lucky to be a part of. Want to join?
Please email me at heather.floatinghomestours@gmail.com. I’m also seeking Resident Guides—this role greets guests in the parking lot with a smile and walks them to/from homes during their 2-hour tour. Time commitment is ~2.5 hours per quarter.