Last year I stumbled across the King Tides Project, but too late in the year to pass on much that was useful. This year, the calendar of events is so full that I’m only going to highlight the first event coming up on December 11: Outside Kids at High Tides (for info and to RSVP), taking place Sunday on the beach at Pinole.
CLICK HERE to connect with the California King Tides community. Events stretch into January, and include walks and photo opportunities, some of which are coordinated with the Exploratorium (urban) and others with various estuarine reserve organizations (rural).
2016/2017 King Tides Season Dates
December 13 and 14, 2016
January 10, 11, and 12, 2017
Find a place to view the tides and plan your shoot!
Chief among the initiatives is The King Tides Project—intended to encourage people to photograph and then share photos of rising tides. The result is a stunningly graphic reminder of where we’re headed with rising sea levels, at the same time that it’s an invitation to engage directly with this change that will affect all our lives, to one degree or another. Visit their page Plan Your Shoot—to better understand the parameters—their recommendations on where to shoot, and when, and then not least how to upload your photos to their Flickr account.
Their tagline bears repeating, simply because it is so clever and to the point: Snap the Shore, See The Future. And the following, pulled directly from their welcome message:
The California King Tides Project helps people visualize how sea level rise will impact their lives. Via smartphones and social media, we invite you to document “king tides”—the highest high tides of today, which will be the average water levels of the future. Everyone is welcome to participate!
Our shores are constantly being altered by human and natural processes and sea level rise will exacerbate these changes. King Tides images offer a living record of the changes to our coasts and shorelines and a glimpse of what our daily tides may look like in the future as a result of sea level rise.
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