The completion date of a construction project to improve safety for cyclists, cars, and pedestrians at the intersection of Gate 6 Road and Bridgeway has been postponed until late July due to manufacturing delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Work on the project will pause in June while the contractor waits for manufacture and delivery of electric “No Right Turn” signs. The purpose of the signs will be to reduce the likelihood of conflicts at the corners of the intersection. Signs will activate with the red light for the corresponding direction of traffic.
In early July, the contractor will grind and pave the intersection, followed by the installation of crosswalks, lane lines, and other pavement markings. This work will occur at night.
The City will activate the bike crossing, video detection system, and “No Right Turn” signs in coordination with Caltrans to complete the project by approximately July 25.
Any questions about the project may be directed to Public Works Grant Administrator Jill Barnes.