FHA President Katherine Boschetto, Vice President Flo Hoylman, and Treasurer Joan Sheahan have all reached the end of their terms in office, and the Association is seeking candidates for those offices. Each officer serves a two-year term and may repeat until a successor is duly elected.
Katherine, Flo and Joan have each served multiple terms, and we thank them for their service. Now it’s time for new candidates to be nominated.
The Board plans to elect replacements at its November 13 meeting. Nominations will be accepted through the end of October. If you or someone you know is interested in filling any of these offices, please contact FHA Administrative Coordinator Linda Sempliner as soon as possible.
Dock Reps and Alternates
Each dock will also have the opportunity to elect a dock rep and alternate before November 13. Current reps and alternates who do not intend to repeat have been asked to recruit replacements. Each dock will receive a ballot before the end of the month and residents can vote by email.
This is a critical time for your Association, and we invite you to be a leader in the FHA: connecting and helping neighbors, protecting our environment, and ensuring the safety of our beautiful waterfront community.