- After discussions led by Jen Gennari, the Board adopted the following FHA Vision Statement:
“The Floating Homes Association is dedicated to fostering a friendly, inclusive, and colorful community on Richardson Bay. We are responsible and engaged residents who take care of the environment and ensure our safety. We work together to create a lively, diverse, and progressive place that celebrates our beautiful and unique waterfront community.”
This statement will be posted on the FHA website, along with our mission statement, which can be viewed HERE.
- In discussions about the Annual Meeting, it was noted that the decision was made to take a break from inviting politicians to speak this year. President Katherine Boschetto suggested that going forward, we might invite one politician per year. People expressed appreciation for the presentation and audience interaction about safety, and for the quality of the food at the party that followed the meeting. Some people missed music for dancing, but others preferred to be able to talk with neighbors.
- New Yellow Ferry Dock Rep Bob Sinaiko was introduced to the Board.
- There were two large expenses in February: one for the Annual Meeting and another for FHA liability insurance. The April financial report will include year to date income and expenses for the first quarter of 2017, and comparisons to the 2017 budget.
- Katherine handed out packets for dock reps to share with new residents in hopes of using them to increase FHA membership. Dock lists are being sent out to all dock reps so they can update them and sign on additional members. Louise Simpson agreed to serve as Membership Chair.
- Court Mast offered to take any Board Member out in his boat to see the anchor out situation first hand. A discussion was held about the City of Sausalito’s intention to withdraw from the Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency (RBRA), and there was discussion of the FHA supporting the removal of derelict boats and illegal mooring balls.
- Environmental Committee Co-Chair Jennifer Gennari discussed three main focuses for the Environmental Committee: zero waste (including composting), climate change and sea level rise. Jennifer and Jenny Stein are developing a relationship with the Sausalito Sustainability Committee.
- We have 13 homes signed up for the September 30 Tour, almost reaching the goal of 15. They are on Issaquah, East Pier, West Pier, Yellow Ferry and A Dock. This year’s theme will be ”Homefront on the Waterfront,” tying in to the 75th Anniversary of Marinship. We’ll feature 40s music, clothes, and boats. We will start signing up volunteers in April. Advance reservations may be made HERE.
- The Tour Committee proposed and the Board agreed to designate The Friends of the Marin City Library and Sausalito Village as the two main beneficiaries of net tour proceeds. These groups provide many of our experienced volunteers. A discussion was held about whether we should add more nonprofit beneficiaries. Tour co-director Larry Clinton suggested we consider supporting other nonprofits, with community grants, at budget time.
- The Floating Times had 69 subscribers at the time of the March 20 Board meeting. The Floating Times committee is assisting those who have had trouble subscribing for weekly updates of new articles.
- Emergency Preparedness chair Flo Hoylman distributed a Get Ready FHA flier for dock bulletin boards, survival kit information, and a sign-up sheet for residents to get survival kits, at Dock Meetings where the kits will be handed out. More information is available HERE.
- Ron Moreland said this would be his last Board Meeting as he is moving. He has been with us for 35 years.
- Dock reps will receive instructions for making use of the FHA table at Sausalito’s Jazz and Blues by the Bay concerts this summer.
- At the request of new Liberty Dock Rep Kathryn Soter, the FHA is researching new shopping carts for each dock, and better ways to keep them on the respective docks.