Without an Open Homes tour this year, the Floating Homes Association (FHA) cash reserves are shrinking steadily. Membership dues have always been kept as affordable as possible, and they do not cover the ongoing operations of the FHA. The Board would like to get back to offering a full slate of services and activities as soon as shelter-in-place restrictions are lifted, but in the meantime, the FHA is now accepting donations to preserve as much cash as possible. If you’ve enjoyed past services like free shopping carts, Day in the Park, CERT training and subsidies for dock activities, to name a few, this is the time to increase your support. Please go to the membership page of the FHA website and scroll down to find the new donations form. Payment can be made via PayPal or any major credit card.
Thank you in advance for your help. Since the Floating Homes Association is a 501(c)(4) mutual benefit corporation, you should consult with a tax expert to determine whether the cost of your donation is tax deductible.