District 3 POSITION OPEN – Commission on Aging

Some of the current commissioners – Marin Commission on Aging  |  post by Tricia Smith

OPENING for a new District 3 Commissioner on Marin County’s Commission on Aging (COA)

I have enjoyed representing District 3 as a Commissioner on the County’s Commission on Aging (COA) for the last three years. I have thoroughly enjoyed my term, made new friends, networked and learned more than I ever imagined. My term is up at the end of June and I would love to see my replacement come from the District 3 Floating Homes. Interested??

The Marin County COA is a 23-member federally mandated advisory council to the Marin County Board of Supervisors. The Commission works closely with the Aging and Adult Services on behalf of Marin’s older adults. Commissioners are appointed to three-year terms by either the Board of Supervisors or the 11 incorporated Cities and Towns in Marin. You would be applying to represent District 3.

What is the time requirement? Commissioners must attend the COA monthly meetings and join one committee with quarterly meetings. The COA meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month and rotate around the County. They begin at 10am with an educational presentation. The topics and speakers are always interesting. At 11:15 a.m., the COA Meeting begins with committee reports and Commissioner reports and ends at 12:30 p.m.. Committees include: Housing and Transportation, Health and Nutrition, Planning, Legislation and Executive.

Interested? Let’s Talk!! If you have any interest, I would love to talk with you and answer any questions you might have. For more information from the COA’s web page CLICK here

My email is triciasmith58@gmail.com. I hope to hear from you!