The Nob Hill Gazette has published the most comprehensive article on our community I can remember seeing in my 44 years here.
Writer Jennifer Massoni Pardini really did her homework, interviewing a broad range of dock residents, including architect David Spurgeon, Brown Sugar owner Megan Dixon, Rabbi Sydney Mintz, Burlingame Mayor Donna Colson, Burning Man Project CEO Marian Goodell, Peninsula Clean Energy CEO Shawn Marshall, Fox News senior correspondent Claudia Cowan, online journalist Ken LaCorte, longtime editor of Marin magazine Mimi Towle, and tech lawyer Hanna Bui.
Ms. Pardini provides a concise history of our community, even plugging John Byrne Barry’s new novel, Pirates of Sausalito: Houseboat Wars Murder Mystery. And she describes today’s community glowingly: “More than 400 such dwellings dot several residential marinas with colorful flair, unique embellishments and intriguing names like The Answer, Cool Change and Tranquility Base.”
Throughout the lavishly illustrated article, she sprinkles in miscellaneous data points she labels Floating Facts. Some are a little less factual than others, such as: “The moving of a floating home, which is hooked up to city services and utilities, can happen only twice a year, during California king tides.” That’s a small distraction in an otherwise thorough and complimentary article.