- Floating Times editor Larry Clinton introduced Aditi Iyer, who is the new proofreader for this publication.
- Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the FHA’s liability insurance, including directors’ and officers’ liability, will cover any FHA activities.
- Lisa McNelley, Carole Angermeir, Flo Hoylman and Larry Clinton agreed to form an FHA fundraising committee, since there will be no tours this year. Initial suggestions included a raffle and selling FHA branded merchandise through an upgraded website. If you have any fundraising ideas, or would like to participate in the committee, please contact any of the founding individuals.
- The City of Sausalito is considering a number of changes to its general plan, some of which would affect the floating homes community. Teddie Hathaway discussed this with the city’s Community Development Director and with a consultant hired by the city to assist with the development of the general plan. A final draft is expected to be published for comment September 29. Larry Clinton will look into our legal rights if annexation is proposed.
- FHA administrator Linda Sempliner pointed out that dock rep election ballots should be emailed to the community by the end of October. First she will contact the dock reps and alternates to see who is willing to continue to serve in 2021. Dock reps are asked to secure replacements if they can’t serve next year.
- Membership chairs Lisa McNelley and Jill Sherman led a discussion of a survey of the entire floating homes community. Dock reps will send links to the anonymous survey to their lists of dock residents.
- Pete Hudson (Main Dock) is seeking volunteers for a response team to help people cope during any upcoming PSPS power outages. If interested, please contact Pete.
- On Saturday, September 26; FireMaster will be in the parking lot at the WPH park to refill fire extinguishers from 9 a.m.—1 p.m.
- Emergency Services chair Flo Hoylman expects to receive evacuation maps by the end of the month. Martin Luther King Jr. Park is the refuge area for us. If we have an immediate evacuation, it would be best to go to a parking lot.
- Michele Affronte has resigned from the Board due to her busy workload. Arlene Ma and Scott Collins have agreed to take on Public Relations. Michele will work with them on the transition.
- The private tour tentatively scheduled for October 23 has been cancelled due to shelter in place restrictions.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 7:00 p.m. via Zoom