Board Meeting Notes – Nov 2020

Due to COVID-19 and budget restrictions, there will be no party at the FHA Annual Meeting | photo and post by Larry Clinton


  • Treasurer Teddie Hathaway reported that the FHA had a net gain in revenues for the month of October. Cash reserves are $43,847, down from $50,130 at the beginning of the year.
  • Dock rep elections are complete, and new reps and alternates were introduced to the Board. Contact info for reps and other Board members is on the FHA website.
  • The FHA Board has voted to name the new park at Waldo Point the Charles Van Damme Park. FHA President Michael Labate is seeking agreement from Harbor management to make this official. Van Damme dock rep Melissa Pergerson will survey dock residents to determine their preference.
  • The FHA Annual Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on February 19, 2021.                         Membership Chairs Jill Sherman and Lisa McNelley will plan the meeting format.
  • The results of the recent FHA membership survey will be shared with the new dock reps. Jill recapped some of the survey highlights:
  1. There is a huge desire for connection.
  2. Residents want to understand what is going on in the community.
  3. Emergency preparedness is a major concern.
  • The 2021 Membership Drive is underway. Jill Sherman will send emails to people to renew memberships or join. Dock reps will also pursue new members as well as renewals.
  • Emergency Preparedness Chair Flo Hoylman reported that about 60 people attended the dock evacuation safety Zoom webinar. A video of the webinar meeting is on the FHA website. The next step will be to form safety committees for each dock. Early next year Flo will organize fire hose and extinguisher trainings.
  • Jen Gennari has administrative access to edit the website and has done some updating. She also reviewed ideas for improving visitor involvement with the site. Teddie Hathaway will approach Marin Community Foundation for a grant to modernize the website. Alternatively, community members could be asked to help with donations or technical expertise to do the update. New dock rep Jim Rettew (Liberty Dock) is willing to help.
  • Government Relations Chair Teddie Hathaway reported that the idea of annexing the floating homes is no longer part of Sausalito’s General Plan, although they now consider us as part of their extended sphere of influence.
  • Environmental Chair Jen Gennari wrote a Floating Times article about upcoming king tides and encouraged dock reps to share this with each dock.
  • Michael Labate agreed to continue as FHA President for another term. All current officers need to confirm whether they will continue for additional two-year terms.  Officers will be elected by the members of the Board at the January 2021 Board Meeting.

In place of a holiday party, the FHA Board will meet again Tuesday, December 8 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom.