Board Meeting – Floating Home Tour to Scale Back

In an effort to keep our members up to date on what the FHA Board has been doing, we are going to provide a bullet list of the important and interesting things that happened at the last Board meeting. Here is what happened at the October 19th meeting:

  • The Tour Committee voted to scale back the 2016 Annual tour to no more than 10 homes and limit pre-event ticket sales to 500 (down from 15 homes and 700 pre-paid tickets sold this year). More details to follow.
  • 2015 FHA membership has reached 268 households, which represents about 68% of the eligible floating home households. Not too bad for a purely voluntary organization.
  • The Board is looking for replacements of the Secretary and Membership Chair positions.  If you are interested contact FHA President Katherine Boschetto ( We really could use your help.
  • Environmental Committee members have and will continue to attend meetings of the Richardson Bay Regional Agency to ensure our concerns about the anchor-outs are heard.
  • The 2015 Annual Tour net income is approximately $33,000, before donations.  Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen. The Board voted to donate $3,300 each to the Friends of the Marin City Library and Sausalito Village from these net proceeds.  These two organization provided almost half of the tour volunteers.
  • With El Nino approaching, Board members were asked if they had 7 gallons of water and 7 days of food per household member on hand. Only about half indicated they did. Are you prepared? A detailed article on this will be published in this Blog and the Floating Times.
  • In addition to the Annual Tour, the FHA did a record 8 Mini Tours in 2015. These tours consist of touring 4 homes for about 1.5 hours. Each tour generates $1,200 each. That’s $9,600 with virtually no expenses. The Board approved a $500 expenditure for the 5 Mini Tour committee members to buy themselves a dinner celebration. Congrats committee members.
  • The new shopping carts, paid for the the FHA, have arrived and been distributed to all docks.
  • There was a discussion of using FHA funds to promote more composting. A specific proposal will be submitted and voted on at the November Board meeting.
  • A $2,000 floating fund, to hire help to do some programming on the FHA database was agreed to by the Board.
  • Dock Rep elections are over and the results will be published shortly. Unfortunately there was no one running for the So. Forty Dock Rep.
  • The Board will be voting on officer elections in January.
  • The Board agreed to have the new FHA blog and the Floating Times proceed simultaneously for the time being. It is hoped the Blog will be able to get information to members faster than the FT.  If enough members like and use the Blog, the FT may go away.
  • The FHA sent a letter to Kate Sears (our Marin County Supervisor) requesting that the FHA be kept in the loop regarding the Muir Woods parking situation.