AB252 Needs Our Help


Sasha Cole (Commodore Marina) addresses the County Supervisors | photo from Board of Supervisors | post by Larry Clinton

As we reported last week, harbor owners are opposing the recently enacted rent stabilization ordinance (AB252). Recently, they prevailed upon Stephanie Moulton-Peters, President of the Marin County Board of Supervisors, to propose amendments to the law which would effectively gut it.

At the April 20 Board of Supervisors meeting, several members of the community spoke in favor of leaving the law intact. A video of that meeting was recorded and can be viewed online.

The Marin IJ published a balanced front-page article on the pros and cons voiced at that meeting.

We have been told repeatedly that legislators pay attention to communications from their constituents. If you feel strongly about this issue, you can help by contacting your local representatives. Below is a sample letter:

I reside on a floating home in Southern Marin County. That fact makes me a resident of Marina County Supervisorial District 3, California State Assembly District 12 and State Senate District 2 and thus your constituent.

I am writing to ask you: Please do not support or endorse any changes in the Floating Homes Residency Law in this session of the California Legislature.

The changes in AB252 recently requested by the Marin County Board of Supervisors at the suggestion of four floating home marina owners could — if enacted — threaten the ability of hundreds of floating homeowners to continue living in their homes and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in real estate taxes to the County.


The letter should be sent to your choice of local representatives. Clicking on each name below will open up each individual’s website, where you’ll find a contact form. Fill out the form, then copy and paste the letter above into the space provided, and if you’d like to add your personal concerns or observations, all the better. Phone numbers are also provided if you’d prefer to call.

Marin County Supervisor Stephanie Moulton-Peters Peters may be reached at (415) 473-7331 or (415) 473-3784; the link provided also has an ’email us’ link you can use to email her.

California Assemblymember Damon Connolly may be reached at (415) 479-4920

State Senator Mike McGuire may be emailed directly or reached at (707) 838-3279

The FHA is planning meetings with each of these representatives in the near future. Meetings open to the public will be announced in the Floating Times, so stay tuned here for updates.