Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the January 10, 2023 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times.
- Treasurer Tracy Corbin reported that the Floating Homes Association ended the year with $50,489.72 cash on hand, down $19,650.04 from year-end 2021. Unbudgeted expenses include the fall Day in the Park and legal fees associated with the passage of the rent stabilization law for floating home marinas. Income from small group tours, sponsorships and donations all exceeded budget projections. A complete year-end financial report will be given at the annual membership meeting on February 25.
- Tracy, who has moved from East Pier to West Marin, will step aside as treasurer. Linda Futrell will move from secretary to treasurer.
- All FHA officers have completed their terms and the Board will hold officer elections at the February 14 Board meeting. If you would like to nominate yourself or someone you know for President, Vice President or Secretary, please contact current FHA VP Pete Hudson.
- Issaquah Dock Rep BettyAnn Kram will contact County officials to set up a Zoom town hall for interested residents to learn their rights regarding floating home zoning variances.
- FHA VP Pete Hudson is negotiating with a potential replacement webmaster.
- Pete Hudson will write to all the marinas advising of hazards caused by poor maintenance and requesting appropriate repairs.
- Barbara Rycerski (A Dock) will set up and maintain archives of past FHA minutes, graphics and other communications on Google Docs. Barbara has requested Board members send all files to be added to the archives to her for processing. Board members will be able to access data but not modify any archived documents.
- Larry Clinton, director of the last several Open Homes tours, reported that no one from the tour committee has expressed interest in leading another large public tour, or staging another virtual gala fundraiser. He suggested that the FHA should try to offer two small group tours per month instead. Teddie Hathaway has been promoting private tours by emailing and distributing flyers. BettyAnn Kram volunteered to assist Teddie and Mari Steeno with marketing. If you’d like to help with marketing or participating in the tours, contact Mari or Teddie.
- Carole Angermeir will work with the new webmaster to update the list of floating home service providers on the FHA website. This list of contractors, plumbers and other providers with experience servicing our community is available free to FHA members.
Next Meeting: Tuesday February 14, 2023, 7:00 p.m.