Artists@Issaquah Plans a Comeback

Jim Woessner greets visitors during an earlier Artists@Issaquah event | photo by Jen Gennari | post by John Ryan

Living on the water refreshes and inspires. The Artists of Issaquah show, founded in 2003, nurtured both pre-professional and established artists, celebrated creative expression, and aimed to develop the artist within all of us. It returned in 2018, reborn as Artists@Issaquah, but then the pandemic ended plans for 2020. Now, the organizers are looking for art—and writings—to showcase in a 2022 event at a date to be determined, likely in September. As in past years, the event is free and participants can sell their wares; additionally, donations will be collected for art programs in local schools.

Call for Artists Writers and Hosts

Organizers are looking for artists, both established and beginners. All media (paint, photography, glass, sculpture, pottery, etc.) are accepted. Or, if you’re a writer, would you be interested in showing your work, or even doing a reading? Artists and authors must currently live along the waterfront or anchor out (you do not need to be a resident of Issaquah). Issaquah residents willing to host an artist (or writer) or two in their homes are also needed, provided COVID doesn’t come roaring back. Please email John Schlag with your name, where you live, and your medium by April 15.

“Fifteen years ago, Jim Woessner founded this wonderful event, which was my first introduction to the community,” says John, who led the 2018 revival. “Once we became homeowners, it was the first thing I wanted to do—to open our home to artists and the people who love art.”