On Thursday, November 12, the Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency held a community meeting at the Spinnaker Restaurant. The RBRA is tasked with managing the navigational waterways, open water, and shoreline of Richardson’s Bay. The purpose of the public meeting was twofold. Firstly, inform the citizens and stakeholders of the Sausalito area about the status of the Richardson’s Bay anchorage. And second, encourage the Sausalito City Council to provide their portion of the funding for an advisory task force (along with Marin County, Mill Valley, Belvedere and Tiburon, who have already done so).
In 2008 there were 100 boats anchored in Richardson’s Bay. Since then the RBRA has removed 498 derelict or abandoned boats, at a cost of $1,281,000.
In spite of steadily removing some 70 vessels per year, there are now over 200 boats anchored out on the bay—a number that is neither sustainable nor manageable. Although some of the boats are clearly being stored in our bay by people who either can’t find a marina slip or don’t want to pay for one, 50-75 of the vessels are the homes of people who live there, either by choice or by necessity.
Various options are available to solve the issues surrounding the anchorage. Those issues include health and safety, environmental, navigational, fiscal, and property damage. Because these options are contentious, the RBRA hopes a citizen advisory task force, or stakeholder committee, can work to collaboratively develop a workable plan. Unfortunately, the City Council will not revisit their feelings about funding the advisory group until January.
Applications are now being accepted to join the committee. The FHA Board has designated Teddie Hathaway as their representative. But input from a wide range of groups is being sought. If you are interested in being involved, and can commit to at least 10 hours a month for meetings, committee sessions, and community outreach, you may request an application form by emailing rbra@marincounty.org. The deadline to receive applications is November 30.