Financial Times Extolls Floating Home Living

The Financial Times recently interviewed Michele Affronte and other Marin realtors about the state of the very tight real estate market in Marin County. The publication, which is sold at Mollie Stone’s, concluded: “Living on a floating home offers the most affordable way of acquiring waterfront property in one of...

Celebration of Stuart Riddell’s Life

On April 13, Emily Riddell, her son Cameron and her daughter Romayne gathered at the end of Issaquah dock to scatter the ashes of long-time Issaquah resident Stuart Riddell. (Previously, a portion of Stuart’s ashes had been scattered in the Pacific Ocean off Manhattan Beach.) The family then celebrated Stuart’s...

Floating Homes Tour Returns Sept 14

After a one-year hiatus, we will once again present our Open Homes Tour, on Saturday, September 14. Between 11 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at least a dozen homes will be open, ranging in style from funky to palatial. So far five homeowners have offered to participate, including two new homes...

City Wide Yard Sale Apr 27

The Spring yard sale will be held on Saturday, April 27 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the MLK parking lot and basketball courts. Admission is free to the public, and there’s room for over 80 booths. Sellers are still wanted. Only garage/yard sale items are to be sold....

Different Floats for Different Folks

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the rivers of the United States were home to entire communities of people living in self-made houseboats. The history of these communities has been explored briefly in river memoirs such as Harlan Hubbard’s Shantyboat Journal but hasn’t been thoroughly examined in a...

What a Load of Crap!

Recently a South 40 resident bagged over 20 dog deposits on the South 40 lawn and left the bags along a path as perhaps a too-subtle reminder to dog owners to pick up after their pets. A half hour later, a fresh deposit was spotted by the path. These deposits...

Evacuation Training Apr 16

What should we do when emergency services tell us to evacuate? Find out in a critical conversation with Southern Marin First Responders on Tuesday, April 16. Representatives of the Marin County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services and Southern Marin Fire District will provide tips...

Get CERTified

Learn how to cope with emergencies affecting our community. The life you save may be your own… or your neighbor’s. Get Ready Marin is offering Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) at two nearby locations in April: Mill Valley: Thursday, April 4, 6:30-9:30 p.m. plus two Saturdays: April 6 and 13,...