The 2016 Annual FHA Meeting kicked off with an overflow of people craning to hear the updates from our elected officials. Is it possible we’ve outgrown the Bay Model, much as we love the place? The full report will appear in the next Floating Times, due out mid-April.
The Compost Give-Away went better than expected, with combined efforts from Zero Waste Marin: audience pop quiz, mesh produce bags and totes; Bay Cities Refuse: kitchen compost pails and the FHA Environmental Committee: bundles of 25 3-gal liners with an ‘info-wrap’. The FHA Blog and the Charles Van Damme Ferry Project both set up tables nearby, managing to catch the interest of people on their way into the meeting.
FHA President Katherine Boschetto honored Mari Steeno as the Member of the Year for her triple-duty roles as Membership Chair, Tour Co-Chair and Issaquah Dock Alternate. The shortest presentation of the evening ‘award’ would go to Treasurer Ron Moreland for the 2015 Annual Report. The highly anticipated raffle had everyone on the edge of their seats, with prizes donated from local merchants and our coterie of real estate agents.
In a change-up from the usual live band, Ed Lopez provided tunes for the party, the music creating a nice background to the lively conversation and laughter. Possibly the most discussed topic of the evening, or at least receiving the most speculation, was which grocery store would be the ‘new anchor tenant’ at the Gateway Shopping Center. Food by Whole Foods disappeared fast, as did the sparkling water. Luckily the wine held for the evening.
All in all a lovely evening, a chance to see neighbors we may only see once a year, and for the lucky few some great door prizes. True to her nature as FHA MVP Mari couldn’t resist this final plug: “become involved with the FHA and its fabulous group of volunteers.”