“Gerald ‘Jerry’ Jampolsky’s life story reads like the ultimate self-help book.” That’s how Marin Magazine introduced a profile of long-time Issaquah Dock resident Jerry Jampolsky and his wife Diane. Jerry passed away peacefully on December 29.
Recently, Diane Cirincione-Jampolsky sent this message to friends and family: “At this time of year, when the darkness begins to turn back into the light, I share the news that our beloved founder of Attitudinal Healing, who has helped so many in their time of transition, is in transition himself in his 96th year. It is what I have been calling Jerry’s ‘Goodbye Time.’ While we have no idea what his celestial timing is, we honor these precious weeks and months for all the gifts they hold.”
Here’s more from the January 2017 Marin Magazine profile, lightly edited and updated by Diane:
The boy who was a shy underachiever with a learning disability grew up to be a world-renowned, UC Berkeley/Stanford-educated child and adult psychiatrist. His Centers for Attitudinal Healing (with origins in Tiburon, Sausalito and Oakland), where he worked with children who had life-threatening illnesses, once merited an award-winning show segment from Morley Safer of 60 Minutes. When Jampolsky extended this groundbreaking therapy to parents and siblings, his model went global. He even gave Oprah her famous “aha” moment on forgiveness. Attitudinal Healing International is now in 37 countries on six continents, continuing to offer free services to individuals, families, and communities. Jerry and Dr. Diane Cirincione-Jampolsky, his wife and partner of 40 years and Executive Director of AHI, have lived on a Sausalito houseboat name SPIRIT since 2002.
Our love of and enthusiasm for the houseboat community is contagious. After having been invited to and having worked in 61 countries together, we call the houseboat community in Sausalito our home and neighborhood for life!
Jerry’s son, Dr. Lee Jampolsky, wrote and recorded a beautiful journal entry entitled Being With My Dad.