Board Meeting Notes – Aug 2021

Enjoying a previous Day in the Park  |  photo by Jen Gennari  |  post by Larry Clinton

Here are some of the items that were discussed or decided on at the August 10 FHA Board Meeting. More details will be reported later in the Floating Times

  • Virtual Gala co-producer Larry Clinton will present a check to the Friends of the Marin City library. Julie Durbin has the check for Performing Stars of Marin. The Muscular Dystrophy check has been sent.
  • President Michael Labate passed along a request to include more homes on a future open homes tour. Julie suggested we consider a hybrid experience with a live tour plus auctions.
  • Michael van Walt (South 40) said it would help his lease study group if WPH dock reps let Michael know of lease renewals coming up on their docks. Michael will contact the dock reps directly.
  • Government Affairs chair Teddie Hathaway spoke with Kappas and Waldo Point Harbor managers about Pacaso Fractional Ownerships. They were not aware of this practice of sharing second homes. They appreciated Teddie letting them know.
  • It was agreed to continue reimbursing docks for activities at the rate of $10 per berth per year.
  • Pete Hudson pointed out that the surest way to get people to join or renew their FHA memberships was for the dock reps to knock on doors and ask them to sign up. We need to let people know what the FHA does. Larry mentioned membership packets that dock reps can print out and give to residents. Administrative Coordinator Linda Sempliner will get a current list of dock memberships out to each dock rep and alternate.
  • Sunday, October 24 will be the date of an FHA Day in the Park. Pete will speak with Membership Co-Chairs Lisa McNelley and Jill Sherman and will help with the planning. Vice President Pete Hudson asked everyone to email him any suggestions. Performing Stars could be asked to participate. We could also have arts and crafts displayed around the edges of the event site. We should set up a membership table, as well. Pete will clear the date with WPH.
  • It was agreed to try to schedule the Annual Meeting/party at Bay Model on Saturday, February 26. Michael L. will confirm the date.
  • Discussion continued about the need for swim ladders for docks, especially Van Damme, which has no railings. WPH will not install them but will not object if residents do. Pete will send a video to Board members about the dock ladder he bought and installed.
  • Larry has forwarded emails from several people who are interested in brainstorming ideas for replacing Aquamaison. Michael and Pete will schedule a brainstorming session.
  • Julie Durbin needs help creating an interactive production document to help her manage sponsorships in the Floating Times and on the website. If anyone knows a software specialist who can help with this, please notify Julie.
  • Teddie Hathaway found out from the County that the current regulation says we can’t have windmills on floating homes. Teddie wrote a letter to our County Supervisor and will report back when she receives a response.
  • Arleen Ma will not be able to continue in public relations. She will continue to help until we find a replacement.

Next Meeting:            Tuesday, September 14, 2021 7:00 p.m. via Zoom