Sausalito People: Remembering Evan Connell

Evan Connell in 1985 (photo Susan Gilbert AP)

DATE: Friday April 15

TIME: 7:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Sausalito Library


Friends of Evan Connell will share memories of the Sausalito author and editor at the Sausalito Library—Friday, April 15—7:00 p.m.

Connell is best known for the two novels “Mrs. Bridge” and “Mr. Bridge,” considered among the finest of twentieth century American literature.

As a contributor and later co-editor of locally-based Contact Magazine, Connell was part of a group of writers and editors who met regularly from the late ’50s through the early ’60s at the No Name Bar. Evan was a commanding though often silent figure in the company of habitual talkers. The program will feature readings from Connell’s works and reminiscences from Neil Davis, past owner of the No Name, plus Sausalito Historical Society members Bill Kirsch and Rick Seymour.