Use BioBags for Your Food Scraps

Did you know you can line the compost pail in your kitchen with BioBag compostable bags (or other compostable liners) to simplify transport and cleaning? Bagging green waste in compostable materials also keeps the collection bins cleaner and reduces odors. Collection bins in Sausalito and Marin City are serviced by...

The Shaman of Rainbow Bay

Recently we mentioned a plan, put forth by Michael Haas, to turn the drydocks in Richardson’s Bay into a “Lunar Village,” a completely self–sufficient biosphere. The plan never materialized, but that didn’t stop Haas, AKA “the Shaman of Rainbow Bay,” from creating another fantasy for an old dredging barge moored...

Dry Docks: Icon or Eyesore?

Long before Forbes Kiddoo’s man–made island gained fame in the 1980s, a set of dry docks became a major landmark in Richardson’s Bay. In a two–part series for Marinscope, Annie Sutter wrote about the four drydocks, “the many tons of wood, iron and granite ballast that were deposited in Richardson...

A Commune Floats in Amsterdam

Seeking a more sustainable lifestyle, a Dutch reality TV director discovered an empty river basin in the Buiksloterham neighborhood of Amsterdam and decided to establish a commune for herself and a few select friends. Thanks to Joe Novitski of East Pier for sending along a Washington Post report on the...

Mystery Santa Returns

For the second holiday season, a mysterious Santa Claus has been zipping around Gate 6 on a one–reindeer–powered trike. In addition to scooting through the parking lots, he spins an occasional brodie in the Bridgeway intersection, then rides off into the night without so much as a Ho-Ho-Ho. Let’s wish...

Well Grounded on Gate 6 1/2

Warwick Dunnett of Gate 6 ½ recently retired from his 45–year career as a commercial pilot. He spent his last 22 years as a captain, flying into the Middle East for the largest B747 air cargo company in the world with operations in 65 countries. In addition to dropping off...

FHA Needs a Bookkeeper

The departure of Floating Homes Association Administrative Coordinator Linda Sempliner leaves the FHA looking for an experienced bookkeeper to take on the role of treasurer. The FHA Board hopes to find a qualified volunteer but is willing to consider contracting with a professional on an interim basis until a volunteer...

7-foot Tides for New Years

Predictions from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are that king tides (above 6.5’) will return from December 28 through January 4, peaking at 7 feet or more on January 1 through January 3. Currently, the forecast is for dry skies during that period, but if storms do arrive,...